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Currency exchange rates



Main currencies

  Sign Buy Sell  
USD USD 1.0910 1.0275


RUB RUB 99.9000 93.0150


SEK SEK 12.0530 11.5460


NOK NOK 14.2750 11.6775


GBP GBP 0.8775 0.8395


Kõik valuutakursid

Prices in the world market

  Sign Buy Sell  
EUR USD EUR - USD 1.0737 1.0733


EUR GBP EUR - GBP 0.8583 0.8579


EUR RUB EUR - RUB 98.7952 98.7862


All prices in the world market

  Sign Name Buy Sell  
AED aed UAE dirham 4.3200 3.5276

ALL all Albanian Lek 104.5000 91.4150

AUD aud Australian dollar 1.7450 1.5976

BGN bgn Bulgarian lev 1.9759 1.8927

BRL brl Brazilian real 7.4642 4.4612

BYN byn Belarusian ruble (new) 4.3320 2.5027

CAD cad Canadian dollar 1.5334 1.4237

CHF chf Swiss franc 1.0200 0.9605

CNY cny Chinese yuan 8.6064 7.1307

CZK czk Czech koruna 25.4000 24.2375

DKK dkk Danish krone 9.4130 7.4015

DOP dop Dominican peso 73.3186 52.0215

EEK eek Estonian krone 51.0000 0.0000

EGP egp Egyptian pound 79.6512 34.5500

GBP gbp British pound 0.8775 0.8395

GEL gel Georgian lari 2.9320 2.5660

HKD hkd Hong Kong dollar 9.8500 7.8865

HUF huf Hungarian forint 395.4000 375.1800

IDR idr Indonesia rupiah 19815.9900 13704.0100

ILS ils Israeli shekel 5.9430 3.7885

ISK isk Icelandic krona 195.6500 143.3500

JPY jpy Japanese yen 172.3000 160.3700

KES kes Kenyan shilling 181.8400 104.7500

KRW krw South-Korean won 2174.4600 1258.3200

KZT kzt Kazakhstani tenge 778.2300 332.5200

LKR lkr Sri Lankan rupee 387.6040 197.4380

LTL ltl Lietuvas lits 23.4528 0.0000

LVL lvl Latvian lat 0.7028 0.0000

MAD mad Moroccan dirham 11.5046 8.1146

MDL mdl Moldovan leu 48.0152 16.1850

MKD mkd Macedonian denar 73.6502 51.7028

MUR mur Mauritian rupee 68.5400 38.2100

MXN mxn Mexican peso 19.2323 15.2565

MYR myr Malaysian ringgit 6.8289 3.9707

NOK nok Norwegian krone 14.2750 11.6775

NZD nzd New Zealand dollar 2.2900 1.5947

PHP php Philippine peso 76.2640 52.4760

PLN pln Polish zloty 4.3300 4.2057

RON ron Romanian leu 5.1750 4.5277

RUB rub Russian ruble 99.9000 93.0150

SAR sar Saudi Arabian riyal 32.9962 2.7862

SBP sbp Scottish pound 1.7047 0.8496

SEK sek Swedish krona 12.0530 11.5460

SGD sgd Singapore dollar 2.2471 1.3719

THB thb Thai baht 43.6000 34.7750

TND tnd Tunisian dinar 6.3300 2.2465

TRY try Turkish lira 34.5242 30.5170

UAH uah Ukrainian hryvnia 59.0030 42.0000

USD usd U.S. dollar 1.0910 1.0275

UZS uzs Uzbekistani sum 18489.7000 8655.2700

VND vnd Vietnamese dong 29728.1000 22264.3700

ZAR zar South African rand 23.1195 17.1099

NB! Rates are informative. Rates may change during the day and are varying in different offices! The rates listed apply only to s/c “DOMINA” and s/c “Sky&More” offices.

Buying rate shows, how much currency must be paid to get one euro.

Selling rate indicates, how much currency will you get for one euro.

To receive a more profitable exchange rate for deals from 750 EUR please call us  +371 2000 1131 from 10:00 am to 18:00 pm Mon-Fri.

♦ Commission for currency exchange – 2 EUR

